The six-pip radio time signal was first transmitted by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) on 5 February 1924. These signals were intended for domestic use and had a limited range. In 1927, the Admiralty with the cooperation of the Board of Trade arranged with the Post office for the distribution of international Time Signals from the Wireless Station at Rugby. These were of rhythmic type and were sent out daily at 10.00 and 18.00 under the control of the Free Pendulum Clock Shortt 16. The costs were shared between the Observatory and the Board of Trade. In 1937, the Admiralty tried without success to get their contribution of £520 paid by the BBC instead.
Board of Ordnance funding (1675-1818)
Admiralty funding (1811-1965)
Funding by the Research Councils (1965-1998)
Civil List funding (1752-1875)
Treasury funding via the budget for Civil Services and Stationary Office
Ministry of Works funding (Ministry of Public Buildings and Works from 1962)
Private Patronage
Instruments on Loan
© 2014 – 2025 Graham Dolan
Except where indicated, all text and images are the copyright of Graham Dolan