Board of Longitude – books and academic papers


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Britain’s Board of Longitude: The finances, 1714–1828. Derek Howse, The Mariner’s Mirror Vol 84 pp400-417 (November 1998). Pdf Archived from a National Maritime Museum blog on 23 May 2014.


John Harrison

Science Lost and Longitude Found: The Tercentenary of John Harrison. Bennett, J. A. Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol 24, p.281 (1993)

‘Explaining’ themselves: The Barrington papers, the board of longitude, and the fate of John Harrison, Katy Barrett, Notes of the Royal Society, Volume 65, issue 2 (2011)


Some Board of Longitude instruments in the nineteenth century. A, N. Stimpson, A.N. Stimpson (1985)


Nautical Almanac