Press articles and letters relating to the efficiency reviews carried out between 1983 & 1986

The weekly magazine New Scientist carried a series of articles, editorials and letters relating to the three efficiency reviews to which the Observatory was subjected between 1983 and 1986.

Note (May 2024): the links were to copies on Google Books. They no longer works as Google appears to have withdrawn the volumes from its website.

1983, July 14 Science castle is under siege
1983, September 29 Joseph orders cuts
1984, January 26 Herstmonceux saved
1984, September 6 Kenneth Warren, the MP for Hastings …
1985, May 2 Observatories face shotgun marriage
1985, May 16 Why astronomers must focus on Britain
1985, June 20 Astronomy is looking grim

Battle royal for the skies of La Palma
1985, September 12 Should SERC survive the cash crisis?
1986, January 9 Kingman reports on future of astronomy
1986, January 16 Where next for astronomy and space research?
1986, February 13 What future for British astronomy?
1986, March 6 Royal observatory faces closure plan
1986, March 27 RGO to leave Herstmonceux
Changes in latitude
1986, April 17 Royal observatory
1986, May 15 Why you should move to Manchester
1986, June 12 Andrew Faulds …
1986, June 26 Blind eye at the telescope
1986, July 10 Wrong move
1986, July 10 Now Edinburgh observatory faces bleak future
1986, November 20 Baker backs closure of Herstmonceux